Root Canal Treatment
In the event of a dental infection, root canal treatment may be an option to preserve the infected tooth.
Endodontic procedures, or typically known as root canal treatment or root canal therapy, are performed to alleviate pain and preserve a tooth. There is no better substitute for a tooth to chew on other than your own natural tooth. There is little discomfort to no pain during the procedure as the tooth is anaesthetised with local anaesthetic.
Root canal treatment involves removing infected or inflamed dental pulp within the tooth. This dental pulp becomes inflamed when bacteria enters into the tooth, commonly through dental decay, cracks or following a bump to the tooth. Common symptoms include pain or sensitivity to temperature (hot and cold), toothache, pain on chewing and swelling.
The infected or inflamed pulp is removed with special root canal instruments, followed by medicament placed directly into the tooth. The medicament is typically left in situ for 2-4 weeks to ensure the tooth is free of bacteria. This procedure may be repeated over 2-3 appointments depending on the degree of inflammation. Finally when all symptoms subside, the root canal (where the pulp once sits) is filled with restorative material to strengthen the roots. Depending on the amount of tooth structure remaining, a dental crown is often recommended to strengthen the tooth and to prevent bacteria from re-entering again.